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//Perfect Im Not

For your information, this blog belongs to a BOY who is almost 20 years old. Although the design of my blog quite GIRLISH, but I'm a real man. I hope you do not judge people from their blog.
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Skin By LetthaKyra
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Edited by Tengku Rizwan
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Saturday, February 19, 2011 | 12:52 AM | 0 tweet


hari ape ehh ? entahh laa , wawan tak tau ari ape , yg penting wawan ingat ! minat ! lagu nih ! ehhe . Playing God by Paramore ! wawan suke laa lgu nihh . so wawan jadikan lagu ni lagu Blog wawan . ehhe . korang layan laa . wawan penat dhh nii . baru balik dari rumah cikgu . ada latihan Nasyid tadi . arini best sgt , ehhe sebab wawan ada fokus(fokus ke ? HAHA) cikgu dah ubah lirik dahh . ehhe .

kk . wawan chaw dulu . ehhe .

salam :)

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