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//Perfect Im Not

For your information, this blog belongs to a BOY who is almost 20 years old. Although the design of my blog quite GIRLISH, but I'm a real man. I hope you do not judge people from their blog.
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Skin By LetthaKyra
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Edited by Tengku Rizwan
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contest posing menarik
Thursday, May 12, 2011 | 5:41 AM | 0 tweet
wawan di tag oleh dear ety ntok join contest ini // hihi . wawan fikir2, best jugakk . sebb wawan byk gmbr yg agak menarikk . ahha . YELATUU . haha .


ni pict wawan .

*boleh jadi ke posing ni? haha . wawan rase agak menarik laa . bagi wawan je . hee . tu , terpulang kepada afiq nak jadikan wawan menang or takk . harap2 boleh . hee . ni First Contest wawan join . hee . teng to dearest ety . ehhe


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